Corporate Social Responsibility Report

Message from the CEO
At BayBridgeDigital, we believe that innovation goes hand in hand with responsibility. As a software startup, we are committed to creating not only cutting-edge technologies but also a positive impact on society and the environment. This report outlines our efforts and achievements in the realm of Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) for the fiscal year 2024.
Alain AttiasChief Executive Officer

About BayBridgeDigital
BayBridgeDigital is a game changing software company that connects brands,technology, people, and data to create growth and business value faster. Founded in2018, our mission is to transform industries through innovation while upholding thehighest standards of social and environmental responsibility.

Environmental Sustainability

Carbon Footprint Reduction
- Green Energy:
We have transitioned all our cars to 100% renewable energy sources for our management, reducing our carbon footprint by 40%.
- Remote Work: By adopting a hybrid work model, we have decreased commuting emissions by 30%.
- Energy-Efficient Infrastructure: Implemented energy-saving measures inour processes, leading to a 11% reduction in energy consumption.

Waste Management
Paperless Operations:
Achieved a 92% reduction in paper use by shifting to digital documentation and communication.

Social Impact

Community Engagement

- Tech Education Programs:
Launched free coding workshops and mentorship programs for under represented youth in our community.
- Volunteer Initiatives (VTO):
Our employees volunteered over 7 days per years and per employee of Voluntary Time Off to support a cause of their choice in community service, including participating in local environmental cleanups and educational outreach.
- Pledge 1% Program:
As Salesforce Summit partner we have naturally joined the Pledge 1% movement.

Employee Well-being
Diversity and Inclusion: Committed to building a diverse workforce. Women now make up 45% of our team, and we have initiatives in place to support the hiring and career growth of under represented groups.
- Index 2024 on gender equality in the workplace: 94/100

Ethical GovernanceTransparency and Accountability
- Ethical Code of Conduct:
Enforced a strict ethical code of conduct that guides our business practices and interactions.
- Stakeholder Engagement: Regularly communicated with stakeholders through transparent reporting and feedback mechanisms.

Data Privacy and Security
- Robust Security Measures: Invested in state-of-the-art security technologies to protect client data.
- Privacy Policies: Implemented comprehensive privacy policies in line withglobal standards to ensure data protection.

Future Goals
- Global Outreach: Expand our educational programs to a global scale,reaching more underprivileged communities with our tech education initiatives.
- Innovation in Sustainability: Continue to innovate and develop software solutions that contribute to environmental and social sustainability.

BayBridgeDigital is dedicated to making a meaningful difference.
We are proud of ourachievements in 2023 (FY2024) and are committed to advancing our CSR efforts inthe years to come. Thank you for supporting us on this journey toward a moresustainable and equitable future.

Contact Information
Address: 1025 Westchester Ave Suite 403, White Plains, NY 10604